





       Olympic Mental or Physical

       Hello, ladies and gentlemen:

       Nearly four years has gone by since we successfully bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. Have you ever think about this questions, Olympic mental or physical? As the Olympic games has become a part of my life, I began to accumulate thoughts and feeling of it. And finally I discovered that a kind of sports spirit has taken root in the bottom of my heart..

       In an advertisement, it says: even though our athletes are able to run faster than a gust of wind, even though our gymnasts can be more sensitive than cats, even though the weight-lifting players can be stronger than elephants, we still cannot prove that we are great, unless we understand the strongest part of human body is mind. These words teach us the true essence of the Olympic Games. It is not only a competition for sportsmen to confirm who is stronger physically or more skillful, but it is a stage for us to spread love, peace and a positive mental attitude. And the Olympic flame seems to be a magic spark that lights up the fire of our power inside.

       Both physical and mental training are essential in reaching the Olympic motto: swifter, higher, and stronger. And I hope more and more athletes will get aware of it, because what we get inside can be stronger than everything.






       奥运会不仅是体育盛会,而且也显示出人类精神的舞台。奥林匹克精神吗? "更快,更高,更强" 。支持和创建"更高,更快,更强" ?是"自信,自立,自尊" 。这是原动力奥林匹克精神,奥运精神, gengshi升华。参加奥运会是最重要的参与,而不是得奖,就像生命是最重要的斗争,也未必成功;最本质的东西是不是去征服,而是战斗层出不穷,在这种更快,更高,更强jingshenganshao在奥运会上,我们将更加勇敢地面对生活的种种困难,并积累生活能源,并在将来创造自己的奇迹。今天,奥林匹克运动已渗透到各个方面,人们的生活已成为一种人生哲学-奥林匹克主义" ,锲而不舍,永不服输" ,在任何问题上,我们一定要发扬这种精神,勇于挑战开拓进取的精神。

       The Olympic Charter, "said the Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and the spirit of fair competition.

       Emphasized the Olympic spirit of friendship, solidarity, mutual understanding, the purpose is to promote the peoples of the world between the exchanges, the establishment of a harmonious cultural atmosphere, is in such an atmosphere, people could bring from their respective cultural prejudices of all kinds, so as to promote the Olympic movement in international exchanges, to help each other, learn from each other in order to truly materialize.
